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  • Канвенцыя павінна стаць “жывым інструментам”, а не заставацца на паперы

    6 March 2018

    3 сакавіка ў Мінску сустрэліся ўдзельнікі кампаніі “Павестка 50”, накіраванай на рэалізацыю Канвенцыі па правах людзей з інваліднасцю, з Бабруйска, Століна, Шчучына і Стоўбцаў.

  • Андрэй Ягораў: Усё залежыць ад людзей на месцах

    24 November 2017

    У межах кампаніі “Павестка 50” на Століншчыне стартаваў сацыяльны праект “Роўныя – Роўным”.

  • Is it possible to live a full and independent life, having mental disability?

    31 July 2017

    A study on accessibility of services for people with intellectual and mental disabilities was presented in Minsk. The study "Assessment of the preparedness of services for people with intellectual and/or mental disabilities at the level of local communities in Belarus" was prepared by the Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a part of the "Deinstitutionalization" information campaign. The company works in support of the regional project of the Lithuanian organization "Prospects of Mental Health" with the financial support of the European Union.

  • Personal assistants. Can a law that does not divide people according to the level of their IQ be adopted in Belarus?

    17 July 2017

    Sweden and Norway are the only countries in the world that have closed most of the institutions for people with peculiarities of intellectual development. In many ways, this result was achieved thanks to the practice of attracting personal assistants. What is this method and is it applicable in Belarus?

  • The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: what changes are needed at the national and local levels

    6 June 2017

    The roundtable brought together representatives of state structures, NGOs and international organizations to discuss further steps aimed at implementation of the international document.

  • Discussion on inclusive tourism was held in BSU

    26 May 2017

    An open discussion “Inclusive tourism in Belarus: possibilities and perspectives” was held on May 16 at the faculty of international relations of BSU. The event was organized in the frames of the Accessibility week 2017 which is being held in Belarus now by the department of international tourism of FIR BSU.

  • Sergey Drozdovsky: Society and the state have no right to help from a position of strength

    15 May 2017

    The doors of psychoneurological institutions are usually closed for strangers. We managed to talk with several women (for ethical reasons, names are not called) to find out what they lack and what they dream to change in their lives.

  • Nightclub bars entry to man in wheelchair.

    13 April 2017

    Lida activist Alexander Avdevich wrote in a social network a post that one of the nightclubs barred entry to two young people one of which is in a wheelchair. Office for the rights of persons with disabilities wrote a letter to the administration of the club “Rich Cat” with a complaint against the reason of the bar, because the Office’s specialists see a direct discrimination in such actions.

  • Discrimination is unacceptable in any sphere

    30 March 2017

    Trainings dedicated to disability issues for specialists working with vulnerable groups, persons with disabilities in particular, were held in Minsk. For two days representatives of NGOs, educational sphere, healthcare, social protection bodies together with lawyers and experts of the legal sector had analyzed the peculiarities of this issue.

  • How Lepel becomes more accessible

    16 March 2017

    Lepel is among the regions which have joined the campaign “Agenda 50” and have started to prepare a strategy of implementation of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities at a local level. 

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